Her Values

I am fascinated by the human ability to learn, adapt, and change.

I believe that the world of the future is dependent on the new generation of thinkers.

I believe in the moral dimension of technology.

I believe that life is about shared belonging.

I believe in widening the radius of compassion and in the power of mutuality.

I believe in listening to the inner voice amid the rumble.

I believe that it is necessary to reinvent oneself.

I believe that learning & teaching are fundamentally collaborative processes.

I live by the motto – quality learning for all.

Meenakshi Babu is a lucid realist and a positive enthusiast. She has a master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from HEC Paris. Her passion for innovation has furthered her deep investment in crafting solutions that go beyond pre-built frontiers, and has steered her to social entrepreneurship. She founded Yugen Education Foundation (yugen.org.in) that works towards transforming the rural education system through scalable training solutions for the school adult community. She also has a master’s in Education and has over 17 years of experience as an educator, including teaching at business schools. She is a Stanford d.school certified design thinker and has built her work on the principles of design thinking.

Apart from teaching, she is also a strategy and innovation consultant and trains aspiring entrepreneurs. She has co-authored the book, ‘In the Arena – Unleash your Entrepreneurial Spirit, Make your Idea a Roaring Success,’ along with 14 other people from across the world.